Submit Your Article
We welcome guest authors and we invite YOU to submit your article that relates to freelancing or being an independent contractor.
We’re always looking for personal freelance and independent contractor stories or original thoughts on any topic relating to being a freelancer or independent contractor and, if you are a writer, we would love to have you submit an article. Take a look at the home page to see the categories available.
We do not accept anything pornographic, racist, homophobic, derogatory or just downright mean! We’re not really interested in product pitches or MLMs. We will, occasionally, post a paid -promotional article. While we don’t have a problem with self-promotion, keep the links in line with the content and don’t be spammy about it. We reserve the right to refuse any article that we don’t think fits the parameters of the blog.
We love guest articles that are well written, contain correct spelling and grammar, and are prepared for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You work hard on the article, and you have things to say that help others, so make it the most readable article you can. If you are a grammar drop-out or if English is not your first language, I recommend that you get a program such as Grammarly to help you polish your article and submit something that readers enjoy. And, if you do not use Grammarly, please at least use Spellcheck. You can try Grammarly for free at
Before you submit your awesome article, you might read this article from The Write Life
If English is not your first language
If you and I are to rank in the search engines, you need to write as if English is your first language, and I am well aware that that is not an easy task. However, if this blog is to be seen and read, you need to submit an article that is not only interesting but grammatically correct. Click here for an article that may help you.
NOTE: For all authors: If your article is hard to read because there are so many spelling and/or grammatical errors, it will not be posted.
Use This Format for Submission
- Title of article: (MUST contain the keywords)
- Keywords: The keyword/long-tailed keyword MUST appear in the title, the first sentence, one of the H2 or H3 headings, and several times in the body of the article. This is critical if you want your article to be seen.
If you need help with keywords read this - Body of the article: 1000 to1500 words. You should have 1% keywords for the number of words in your article. For example, if your article is 1000 words long you should have 10 insertions of the keywords. These can be in the title, headings, images and the body of the article.
- Links: Include an external link to substantiate your subject or an opinion and include a link to The Freelancer’s Life website (an Internal Link) If you don’t include one, I will add one in.
- Use H2 and H3 headings for major thought blocks. Be sure one major H2 or H3 heading contains your keyword.
- If you send an image (not required), send the URL for the Image site so we can give proper credit. The Featured picture should be of high quality. I can resize it if you don’t have the software to do it. I can supply a featured picture unless you prefer to use your own. If the picture you submit is not of good quality, I will replace the featured image with one of my own choosing.
- Author’s bio (can have links to your own site) please also submit a photo of yourself to be included in the bio.
In Summary:
Submit an article for publication on this site, if and only if:
- It is on a topic relating to being a freelancer or independent contractor. Others will be considered spam and will be deleted with no reply.
- It is well written, correctly spelled and punctuated. (Grammarly check recommended.)
- It is original content. You can check it yourself for plagiarism using Grammarly or A Research Guide. Know that it will be checked before it is posted.
- It promotes an idea and NOT a product.
- Has no links to commercial websites. (A good article with commercial links will be considered —for an advertising fee). If you want to advertise your product or your business/practice, be up-front about it.
- You can include your bio, with links to your own site.
To Submit Your Awesome Article:
In the Subject box put: “Article: The title of your article” For example, Article: “7 Awesome Benefits of Being a Freelancer.”
Send to [email protected] as a Word.doc. or a Google.doc attachment. Do Not send a PDF